Tuesday 25 September 2012

Hydrograph feed-in P, Q and R


Video feed-in for exam question Suggest reasons for any differences that you have observed between hydrographs P, Q and R (7 marks)

Friday 29 June 2012

Tuesday Cover work

Title:  How was the Pinatubo volcanic threat and eruption managed?  How did humans respond to the threat and event?

Use reading from the VLE to find out what actions were taken prior to the eruption, in the event of the eruption and after the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo.  Write up the ideas on paper and bring to Friday lesson.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Mt Etna Lesson 1

Use the links below AND YOUR OWN SEARCHING to build up some research material on Etna.  What is it like?  What does it look like?  What features does it have?  What happens during eruptions?  What damage is caused?


Tuesday 24 April 2012

Year 12 cover work Tuesday

Year 12

Apologies that I'm not back today, hope you are all working hard!!!  Please do work below:-

Open a word doc and create a table with 2 columns and 10 rows.  In column 1 write type in the questions below and in column 2 answer them.
1. What is Primary energy?
2. What is secondary energy?
3.  What is another term used for renewable energy?
4.  What is a renewable resource?
5.  What is a non-renewable resource?
6.  What is another ten for a non-renewable resource?
7. What 2 resources have to be managed carefully if considered to be renewable?
8.  How can wood be managed carefully?
9.  What resources are renewable and will be available no matter how much we use?
10. What are the two types of reserves? (that part of a resource that is available for use)

Save and print for Friday.

Open another doc and do the same for the questions below:-

1.  Name 2 examples of energy TNC's
2.. What does OPEC stand for?
3.  Name one thing OPEC does
4.  Why has OPEC's power declined?
5.  How many OPEC countries are there?
6.  What are two ways natural gas can be transported?
7.  What are TNC's?
8.  What role do TNC's play in energy?
9.  How many countries does BP operate in?
10. What does BP do?

Save and print.  Open a final doc and answer these questions:-
1.  What is biomass energy?
2.  How can fuelwood spoil the env?
3.  How many people die annually from burning biomass?
4.  How many people globally do not have access to electricity?
5.  Why are fossil fuels popular?
What is the projected average annual growth 2007-2030 for
other renewable
6.  What 4 environmental problems are created by burning fossil fuels?
7.  List 5 problems of Acid rain in named places
8.  What 4 impacts does mining fossil fuels have on the env?  Include named egg's.
9.  What is your example of an oil drilling accident, what were the impacts?
10.  What is your example of a oil transport accident, what were the impacts?

Save and print for Friday please.

Saturday 21 April 2012

Shale Gas

Use these links and any others you can find on search engines, to gain an understanding of what shale gas is, how it is extracted and what the potential gains and risks are. (What is it? How is it extracted? What are the potential benefits?  What are the potential risks?)


Thursday 12 April 2012

Revision session 5 River landforms


On this blog you will find a list of all the landforms you are required to know. You need a fair amount of detail for each landform and you must include key terms in your explanations. To help you with this, I have gone through each landform and listed all the terms I feel you should be using. Write your answers and then check you have included all the terms I have mentioned. These questions are very straight forward and it is your chance to pick up full marks - but you have to learn your stuff!

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Lesson 4 Energy Solar Power

What is solar power and how does it work?  What are the benefits and drawbacks?

1.Watch clips below

2. Read 'Solar energy: A renewable resource'

3.  Using the booklet, tabulate the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy

4.  Answer exam question 'Comment on the advantages and disadvantages of using solar energy as a source of energy' (6 marks)

HW:  Read textbooks p.266-269, answer questions 1-4 on p.269




Energy Lesson 3 Wave and Tidal

These clips are good to watch to refamiliarise yourselves with Tidal and Wave machines.



Friday 13 January 2012